Friday, 27 September 2013

Focal Point: John Hedgecoe

A focal point is the part of an image that draws the eye of a viewer to the most important part of the image or the area that you want to highlight. How you do this will make or break the final image. If you don’t know how to create this point then you will not achieve much in your photography.

In this photo, in my opinion the main interest or activity is the woman sitting on the chair. She is the only person in the photograph so you notice her when you first look at the photo which is the Focal point.

In this photograph, the man is the focal point, because he is the closest in the picture and the light shines on him. Also the writing behind him To me is pretty eye catching. Its like the photo has a meaning.

I got information off this website:

Depth of field - Perou
Depth of field is the distance between the nearest object and the furthest object.

In this photo, the man is further away from the camera and the woman is closer. I like it because it looks like they are in the same depth of field but they aren't if you look closely, also with the red paint its hard to tell.
In this photo, although its the same man, Perou has doubled him and made them further away from eachother. What I like is that they are in different positions and put different backgrounds behind each person.
I got help from this website:
Lighting - Annie Leibovitz

Lighting is the equipment at home, workplace and a studio for producing light. Also the arrangement and effects of the lights.   
Photography is about light, and in fact, it can be defined as recording the light. Lighting is also one of the hardest things to get right in a photograph. To shoot images that stands out of the crowd, an understanding the light source is critical.                     

 This photo represents lighting because you can see lighting is coming from the left hand side and is spreading over the rest in the image and lady. The image also gives a strong lighting effect on the dress which shows you the detail of her body.

This image has a darker light to it, to make it look intense. I like it because the woman is wearing a dark dress so it also makes the picture look darker. The light is coming from the sky around the left side of the image.
I got help off this website:

Thursday, 26 September 2013 this is the assignment blog. everything you need is on here

below is a check list for assignment 3

1: title: assignment 3 lighting/focal point/depth of field/composition

2: link to site with a help guide on composition, focal point, depth of field, lighting
my example:

3: an image from the chosen from assignment 2 artists that demonstrate above

4: state how the artist image demonstrates: lighting/focal point/depth of field/composition

5: answer this for the artists image clearly headed:
  • FACTUAL (a summary of who the photographer is and when - keep to facts)
  • the CONTEXT (where is the photo in their body of work / show you understand how that photo fits with the rest of a group of work - what was the world like when it was made)
  • TECHNICAL (how do you think it was created / any comments about cameras, lenses. lights etc - a technical how to comment)
  • AESTHETIC (the look or style of it - what do you like about it - this is the sharing opinion bit)

Monday, 23 September 2013

Composition is where certain things are placed and arranged in a photograph. 

John Hedgecoe

I like this photograph because I think the hand is the most eye catching, as its in the corner of the photograph and it relates to composition. If you imagine the rule of thirds, the hand would be in the top left box.
In this photograph, the man is at the side of the photograph sort of. The lighting from the window shines on the man which makes him stand out, also causing shadows on his face which I like.

I got information of this website

Monday, 16 September 2013

John Hedgecoe

Factual: This photograph was taken by John Hedgecoe who was an award-winning British photographer and author of over 30 books on photography. He was born 24 March 1932 and passed away on the 3rd June 2010. 

Context: I think this photograph shows a lot of emotion because the woman looks depressed and lonely.

Technical: in my opinion this photograph was taken in a studio set up to look like its in a 'war' setting.

Aesthetic: what I like about this photo is that the setting looks intense and real and you can almost feel as lonely as the woman